AED = Automated External Device

An AED is a very safe and easy to use electronic device, designed to be used by anyone, with or without medical training. It automatically reads the heart rhythm of someone who may have suffered a cardiac arrest and diagnoses if an electrical shock is required to restore a normal heart rhythm. If it is required, an AED will safely deliver a controlled electrical shock to the heart.

Yes, they are designed to be used by anyone, you do not need to have medical training. An automated external defibrillators (AED) use a series of illustrations and calm voice prompts to guide the user step by step through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
AED’s not dangerous and are designed to be used by anyone. An AED uses a series of clear voice prompts and illustrations to give step by step guidance. It is impossible to give a shock to the heart of someone who does not need one as the AED will not activate a shock unless it detects that it is necessary.

No, you can do no harm with an AED.   If someone has a cardiac arrest, they are technically already dead and without early cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation being applied, they will not survive.  The quicker CPR and the use of an AED is applied, the greater the life chance.

If someone has suffered a cardiac arrest, they are already technically dead. Using an AED can offer the best chances of restoring life.  An AED will checks the heart rhythm and  it will not allow a shock to be delivered to a person’s heart unless it is required.
It is impossible to shock someone who does not need it. An AED will only deliver a shock if it detects that the heart requires it.  You cannot make things worse.

For every minute that passes without early CPR and defibrillation, there is a 10% drop in the chances of survival. Current UK NHS Ambulances are targeted to reach people suffering a cardiac arrest within 8 minutes, nevertheless they may encounter challenges such as traffic congestion, difficult access, crowds and travelling to remote areas which can delay their arrival on scene.

The sooner cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and an automated external defibrillator (AED) is used, the more effective trained medical staff can be when they arrive and the greater the chance of survival.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be performed if a person has suffered a cardiac arrest and is non-responsive and not breathing.  An AED should be applied after performing CPR.
A cardiac arrest is when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body. It is caused by a problem with the electrical system of the heart. Death of a person suffering a cardiac arrest can occur within minutes and so it is vital that assistance is given immediately. through applying cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an AED, whenever possible.

You will not know for sure, which is why an AED is so important. Someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest will be unresponsive, not moving and not breathing. The heart will have stopped pumping blood around the body, so someone suffering a cardiac arrest will lose consciousness almost immediately and there will be no visible signs of life – such as movement or breathing.

No, the term heart attack is often used by mistake to describe a cardiac arrest. A heart attack is when a blockage prevents blood getting to the heart. This causes death of the heart muscle, not necessarily the death of the person suffering a heart attack. A heart attack might lead to a cardiac arrest, but the terms do not mean the same thing.

cardiac arrest is when the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating unexpectedly.

Anyone can use an automated external defibrillator (AED). Untrained people have used them successfully to save a life, however, it is recommended that everyone should learn how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an AED.   Tthe UK Resusciation Council states that in an emergency when no trained operator is present, someone willing to use an AED must not be deterred from doing so.

The NHS Ambulance Services and St John’s Ambulance Service along with many other professional organisations offer training courses in the UK.

Defibrillation is a process in which an electronic device called an automated external defibrillator (AED) sends an electric shock to the heart to stop an extremely rapid, irregular heartbeat, and restore the normal heart rhythm.

Yes. You will need to check with the manufacturer of the automated external defibrillator (AED) about any changes required to make an AED safer for children (between 1 and 8 years old). Some models of AED require settings to be changed and different electrode pads

The iPAD SP1  and iPAD SP2 have a simple switch selection to change the mode from adult to child and use the same electrode pads.  These AEDs have been designed for optimum ease and speed of use in an emergency situation.

Yes. A mother will need to be resuscitated if their unborn baby is to survive.
Yes. You would need to ensure the immediate skin area on the chest is dry.  There is no immediate danger to the person using the automated external defibrillator (AED).

This is the term used when an automated external defibrillator (AED) is placed in a public place. This can be anywhere where people gather. Ideally this could be in areas where there is a high incidence or risk of cardiac arrest or in areas where it is hard for the Ambulance Service to access e.g rural areas, crowded areas, high traffic congestion & poor road networks (British Heart Foundation, 2014).

There is currently no legislation in place to make AED’s mandatory in the workplace.

Efforts are being made to promote the introduction of legislation to make the provision of AEDs mandatory in the workplace, schools, sports venues, and certain public buildings (UK Resuscitation Council, 2013)

This is very unlikely. In English law, for someone to be held liable it would have to be shown that the intervention had left someone in a worse situation than if there had been no intervention.

In the case of a cardiac arrest (i.e. someone is technically dead following a cardiac arrest) it is very unlikely that this would arise. No case brought against someone who tried to provide first aid has been successful in the UK, where the courts have tended to look favourably on those who try to help others (UK Resuscitation Council 2010).

In the workplace, someone using an AED will be shielded by the Employer’s Liability Insurance against any litigation if the person dies (Resuscitation Council, 2013).